Get answers to frequently asked questions

MyCTSavings is a new retirement savings program created to help Connecticut’s 550,000 private-sector employees without access to employer-sponsored retirement plans. Here are answers to many of the common things we’ve been asked. If you have questions beyond these, we’re here to help. Just drop us a line.

Are there any fees for employers to participate?

There are no employer fees. Employers are not required nor permitted to make employer contributions to the program.

What if a business doesn’t register for the program as required by law?

Any business with five or more employees in Connecticut will be required to facilitate the MyCTSavings program, unless it offers a qualified, employer-sponsored retirement plan. The program will be monitoring businesses for compliance and will try to assist businesses in getting enrolled if needed. That said, if a business falls out of compliance and fails to register, an investigation could occur and there may be penalties.

Is there a penalty for late or omitted payroll deductions?

Failure to remit deductions in a timely manner violates Connecticut law, including wage and hour requirements. The State may impose penalties for these violations.

What if my payroll company won't help me administer MyCTSavings?

You can still offer MyCTSavings to your employees on your own with no complex administration — easily making it a part of your own payroll process. Watch this video to see how facilitating the program involves minimal steps and allows you to focus on your business.

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What if my payroll provider is stating they will charge a fee for remitting contributions with MyCTSavings?

Whether you use a payroll provider or not, MyCTSavings does not charge a fee to remit contributions. If your payroll provider will charge you a fee for helping you facilitate the program, you can easily administer it on your own. Watch this video to see how facilitating the program involves minimal steps and allows you to focus on your business.

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