Get answers to frequently asked questions

Connecticut’s new state-sponsored retirement savings program is open right now. It was created to help the 600,000 private-sector employees without access to employer-sponsored retirement plans. We understand you’ll have questions. Here are the answers to some frequently asked questions. If you have additional questions, we’re here to help.

Will my money be pooled with money from other city, state, or federal programs?

It will not. Your money is yours and does not belong to anyone else. During the time you participate in the MyCTSavings program, your money will be pooled with other MyCTSavings participants and invested only in the Investment Options for this program. You have complete control of your account, which is tracked individually so that you always know how much is in your account.

Does MyCTSavings have an investment consultant?

The program has a private investment consultant that provides input, monitoring, and feedback about investments.